Acne Causing Factors

Acne, also known as pimples, whitehead or blackhead, is a kind of skin disease that can happen on any part of the body, but usually on the face, neck and upper body. Whitehead occurs when the plug remains below the skin surface. Blackhead happens when the plug is forced to the skin surface by the pressure of sebum and dead cells.

People can tell you many factors that cause acne. In summary, below are the key 8 factors that bring you to this unwanted skin disease. The 8 factors can be simply classified into 4 internal and 4 external factors.


1) Bacteria

The bacteria, named Propionibacterium Acnes (P. Acne), are typically live on our skin and cause to acne. The presence of P. Acne attracts white blood cells produce enzyme that causes local inflammation and redness. The presence of P. Acne does not cause by dirt or poor hygiene. Reducing P. Acne numbers through treatment can effectively reduce acne inflammation.

2) Sebum

Naturally, sebum, produces by sebaceous glands, “fill up” the hair follicles and the “over filled” sebum gives the skin surface an oily appearance. Sebum good to our skin as it makes our skin waterproof. Also, sebum helps to carry dead cells to exterior of skin. For reasons that are unknown, some hair follicles become obstructed and the sebum that trapped inside the hair follicles can cause P. Acne to grow. Eventually, it causes inflammation and redness to our skin.

3) Hormones (Androgens)

Many acne causes come from hormonal change or imbalance. Hormone changes due to stress, menstruation, pregnancy, starting or stopping birth control pills. The hormones that cause acne are called “androgen”’. Androgens stimulate the sebaceous glands and secrete sebum to the surface of the skin. Combination of sebum, P. Acne and toxin-blocked-pore aggravate the skin and causes inflammation and redness.

4) Genetics

Although not been proven, possible cause of acne is heredity or genetics because it does influence thickness of skin, oily tendencies of the skin and basic hormone responses. Even some studies have shown that acne development can be passed down from one generation to the next. However one’s parent has acne does not necessarily mean that next generation will suffer from acne.


1) Improper Skin Care Products

Improper skin care products can cause irritation to your skin. These include any products that can block oil pores. Besides, avoid applying herbal medication that has not been proven or approved. It might give you toxic reactions.

2) Over Exposed to Sunrays

Over exposure to sunrays cause skin damage and worsening existing acne. Some common acne medications can make your skin sensitive to the sun and lead to worse skin condition.

3) Picking and Squeezing

Picking and squeezing acne is not recommended. Picking pushes bacteria deeper into the skin cells or spread the bacteria already beneath the surface of the skin. Squeeze acne using fingers can cause acne to become serious. In the situation that picking or squeezing is unavoidable, only dealing with blackheads and whiteheads, but not the swollen and red goobers.

4) Washing Face Too Often

Too much washing can stimulate oil glands. Wash your face with mild soap and warm water 2 to 3 times a day. Again, acne is not caused by dirt and hygiene. Washing too often or too vigorously may actually make acne worse.

In conclusion, you can find thousands of resources related to acne treatment and skin care products, acne remedies, acne therapies and so on. Be aware of those who given mislead or wrong information. Also, many of them over claim their products over there. So, be a smart shopper, make sufficient survey and study before you spent money.

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